Bye Bye year 3…thanks for everything! GEM!

No – your eyes are not deceiving you . This is an actual blog . This is actually Gem and I wanted to bring this radical year to a close by highlighting the highs and lows of the non blogging but radical doings of the year gone by. Thanks for hanging in there with me! Let’s dive right in and see the progress with my seven prayer goals

1.The prayer of CONFESSION- this prayer helped me to hold myself accountable for behavior that was not Christ like. I would give myself a B- over the past year I believe that I have been better at catching myself more in thoughts that were not Christ like- this most certainly helped me to walk in love more overall and extend as much grace as possible that I could to people and I’ve certainly seen that grace come back to me tenfold.

2.The prayer of SALVATION- this prayer helped me to absolve myself of guilt and condemnation and remember that God left me with his peace. I give myself an A on this goal because I have been kinder to myself and unapologetic about setting boundaries so that I can remain joyful and have a peace of mind . I try to only say sorry when I have truly offended or hurt someone and try not to feel guilt when I shouldn’t.

3.The prayer of RELEASE- This prayer was to remind me to “let go and let God”I would give myself a C plus. I still struggle with worry and I’ve actually become more anxious in some areas of life. For the first time in over a year I had a panic attack a few weeks ago and that freaked me out big time. Panicking about panicking- I have a year 4 goal to specifically address my anxiety .

4.The prayer of SUBMISSION- This prayer helped me to take my hands off situations easier and relying more on God for answers . I give myself a B – more often than not when encountered difficulty this past year the FIRST thing I did (after sometimes freaking out ) was pray even before I told anyone. In some cases the situation was resolved and the only time I talked about it was when I told God about it .

5.The prayer of PRAISE- I give myself an A – I’ve been trying very hard to give God the glory and credit for every blessing . I have been making a diligent effort to find at least one thing that I am grateful for daily . Our daily gratitude posts  (100 days of gratitude ) was started in our HIS group and has happily caught on and we are all finding things daily to be grateful for!!

6.The prayer of PROMISE- This goal was to help me remember to find something in God’s word that I can stand on daily. I give myself a B- I read my devotionals daily and try to remember what I read. I am no always successful but I think thats because I am sometimes not focused when I’m reading. I am happy to say that one of my year 4 goals can help me turn that B into an A.

7.The prayer of BLESSING- I give myself a B …this was a goal focused on the power or words. I wanted to have more positive than negative things come out of my mouth and make an effort to use my words to bless situations , believing and declaring positive things. If im having a bad day I acknowledge it ,allow myself to have a moment but I try not to talk about how terrible the day is ALLLL day. I’ve tried it both ways and watching the words that come out of my mouth has proven to be a great way to remind myself that my words have power and I can choose to speak life death. Pop quiz! Guess which one God wants us to choose? 🙂

Take care year three,


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