Archive for September 11th, 2013

Radical 3 times fast- Renee`

Three years ago on this date my friends and I embarked on a journey that only had one destination: getting closer to God. My life has changed tremendously within the last three years and I think it is because I (we) have taken this challenge seriously. This year I wanted to have some measurable goals and some more intrinsically motivated goals. I wanted them to be balanced because..well life is not always black and white and I need to explore those areas that are in between.

This year I would like to use a model I think Kelly and Beyondai have used in the past; one that seems more holistic in nature. My goals will be broken down in the Seven areas of wellness ( I believe that’s the correct title)

  • Emotional: I am going to work extremely hard on being more present in the moment with my family, friends and other events. I tend to detach (not purposely) into the technology world. I will be on my phone or Facebook quite often and this has lead to me missing out on some moments. I will also work hard to keep myself healthy emotionally. I tend to repress how I feel and that has lead to some pretty interesting and probably unnecessary beefs and misunderstandings. I will work hard to be genuine with my feelings (if I am mad..say I am mad and not “i’m fine”).
  • Social: I will join more groups or organizations that are on the paths of my passion. I am very passionate about youth and the disadvantaged and have dedicated the last almost decade of my life to these causes. BUT i have struggled to make new friends in the City and hope that by joining agencies that fuel my passions I will meet like-minded individuals and maybe make new friends.
  • Spiritual: I want to embody everything that God wants me to be. I have a book on becoming the Proverbs 31 Woman and I want to take this task seriously ( I never finished the book).  I also want to read through the Bible this year..a task I haven’t done the last two third times the charm right??? To aid with this goal I will utilize various reading plans.
  • Occupational; I am challenging myself to learn more about my job and jobs that I might be interested in. I would love to find an agency/company that would have tuition reimbursement and help me get my MSW.
  • Intellectual: I love to read, always have. The issue is I have reading ADD and literally start a million books and never finish. My goal this year is to start and finish a minimum of three books
  • Physical– Before I had an asthma attack in July of this year I was going to the gym about two-to-three times a week. The attack scared me so bad and I haven’t been back in three months! My goal is to get back to a regular form of exercise through out the week.
  • Environment– Lilly my plant died…maybe a month after I bought her. I left her outside and totally forgot to water her..and she perished like every other living plant I have ever had. My goal this to find something green and let it grow for this year…*fingers crossed*

Well good people in Blog land those are my goals for this year. I pray that God continues to reveal Himself to me more and more each day. 🙂

Radical Dude!


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Year 2 in Review **Danielle**

Radical Year 2 sped by!! I experienced new things, like running and performing actual physical work to my car. I improved on certain things and felt staggered one others. At the end of everything, I kept on Pushing.

1. Give up on sweets/desserts.
Um, this was a definite radical goal. It was a day by day experience. For most days, I was able to go without having sweets and or buying desserts, mainly candy. I was able to substitute my candy buying with fruit bowls and just telling myself NO. There were days that I slipped, but I did my best not to beat on myself too much (B-).

2. Exercise at least 10 minutes everyday

I had spurts where I would exercise everyday, 15 minutes or more and other times, I couldn’t find my exercise shoes. These last three months I have been walking for at least 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week. I have went down 10-15 lbs and I pray that my resolve to be healthier only continues to strengthen (B+).

3. Help with the building of a house.

This was a fail. I emailed the local nonprofits in my areas that specialize in building houses for low income families. They never got back in touch with me. (D+)

4. Live stress free.

Yea, not much to say — some days were better than others.  I did consciously make an effort to pray when I felt I was taking things in my own hands instead of giving it to God (C+).

5. Create a business plan for my nonprofit.

I came up with the nonprofit name and my mission statement, other than that I haven’t gotten far. I did recently buy a pocket mentor book pertaining to writing a business plan that I hope will shed light and help me reach this goal in Year 3.  (C+)


6. Gain more experience in event planning.

I wasn’t really getting/giving any real events to plan this rad yr.  I, along with my oldest sister, is in the process of planning my mom’s 65th birthday in 2014: this has really gotten my event planning juices flowing. This goal will be recycled for Rad yr 3.  Even if there is no events being planned, I still want to create event idea boards; so if there anyone wants to throw me out any real or factitious events, I’m ready. (D+)

7. Teach someone to read.

This was a semi-fail. I wasn’t able to get involve in a literacy program as I would have liked buy  I did read to my 2 yr old neice as much as possible; she seems to enjoy reading. (C+)

Overall, I would give myself a B- .


Pushing toward higher grounds,




Shedding Light and Righting Wrongs~Audrey

Year 2 is over! This year seemed to fly by even more than last year. It surprised me because I have been sick all summer but in my mind it was an eternity. I have made a lot of progress this year. Read on for details.

574843_475212069200906_948912186_n1. Bible Study

I completely read the Bible and purchased several books to continuing my reading and 18811_660241589754_621493610_neditlearning of spiritual life. I receive a daily devotion in my e-mail so I can read during my breaks at work.

2. Relationship

I put God first and he brought me the most amazing man.

I put our relationship in His hand and I will let Him decide our future.

250933_239667886145455_1540308716_nedit3. Blog

I usually do one for my blog Stars in Her eye and oa8daf8db20b732072aa11ec4bb435260ne for TV for Freaks. On good weeks, I do two for my blog. Currently, I am upset with the lack of updates I have managed. I have been sick and it shows up in the lack of my blog.

4. Health

My water intake is up and a drink a lot less soda. But I am currently dealing with health problems that may be autoimmune. This has derailed my sub goals in my health category.

1011340_572197962823068_1053721434_nedit5. Friendships

I haven’t traveled much because of illness but I write and Facebook my girls as well as constantly pray. This year I have had two deep friendships blossom. The first is one that is a coworker who I was friendly with but now she is a close confidant. The second is a new friend I made this year and was surprised how kesHa-kesha-17284655-500-500editimportant she has become in my life.

6. Savings

I did a saving account and have a little bit saved. I never did create a budget but with all my hospital and doctor bills I have curbed impulsive spending. This is something to strive for.

7. Exercise

I had a regiment. Then I got sick, and I can’t do it. I do have a 12 minute workout I can do sitting down but I feel so bad I have not punished it. So this one is pretty well failed for reasons beyond my control.


So I think I did pretty well. Off to ponder next year’s goal!

I was looking for some heaven
There’s no need to look no more
California 37
Took me right to heaven’s door

-California 37, Train


End of Year 2 ~Venus

Hello everyone! Here is my last post the end of year 2 for Radical7even! Below is my last update of my goals.


1.) To get a job in my field. -So I haven’t gotten a job in my field. I have applied to a couple of places. The places that I have heard back from told me that they chose someone else for the positions that  I have applied for.  Job searching/applying for jobs to me is a little bit discouraging. A part of me is like why even try. I hope to have better luck next go around!

2.) To get my permit and hopefully a driver’s license.- No progress on this goal.

3.) To discover my life’s purpose by spending time with God through reading the bible, prayer, and fasting.-I’ve made a lot of progress on this goal thanks to my friend Kelly for challenging me!  My life coach, one of my other female friends (let’s call her “CD”), and mentor have been very helpful!

4.) To have the College Transition Program up and running by next year. – Well the program is not up and running yet. However, it’s in progress. As of right now, I’m waiting on getting additional help (as in a team of people to help me w/ the program).

5.) To go on dates whether it’s by myself or w/ guys. – Well I haven’t been on a lot of dates w/ myself and guys. Smh! I really need to work on doing things that are fun.  I have hung out w/ friends so that’s a little of something fun. As far as guys are concerned, I’ve been on less than 5 dates.  So not too much progress on this goal.

6.) To learn new recipes! -I’ve been doing great w/ this goal!! I have made a variety of things such as turkey burger sliders, enchiladas,  and barbecue meatballs. I’ve cooked a little bit more than I listed. I’m proud of myself!

7.) To learn how to do my natural hair. -I’m made some progress with this goal. I have learned how to flat twist my hair, bantu knots, and a french roll w/ a pompadour.  The biggest challenge  that I’m having right now is detangling my hair. I have learned that it is best to detangle my hair in small sections but I still be having a hard time. Smh! I also having issues w/ dandruff and dry scalp. I’m working on finding products that can help w/ both issues.

So there you have it, the last update on my goals! Year 2  of Radical7even has had its moments of ups and downs! I’ve seen a lot of growth within myself. I had to face my “demons” and learn how to overcome some things (I’m still working on it). I’ve learned to be honest w/ myself and also w/ God. I hope that Year 3 of Radical7even will be awesome not only for me but also my friends!! I can’t wait to blog about it!! =) God bless!


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