Archive for July, 2014

My Vent for Today ~Venus

Hello everyone! Today I was feeling depressed. I had to make a trip to the bank today to check on my account. My paycheck that I received was less than what I thought it was. I had to deposit money on my account to cover my rent and one of my other bills coming up. I really hope that I receive money from unemployment soon. I really don’t want to continue to use my savings to pay my bills but it seems like my only option outside out of unemployment. I’ll be glad when I go back to work sometime next month. Being laid off is not a joke! Lol! This is the second lay off that I have had this month. I’m praying that my financial situation will get better. God bless!


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My Summer ~Venus

Hello everyone! My summer was interesting. I was laid off from work in May and began working the last week of that month. I served food to kids that came to AU for various summer camps. The place I work in was set up like a buffet for the summer. There were some periods that we got low on food and had scramble to get more food out for the kids. I got laid off twice this month. So I’m doing the best I can to stay afloat right now.

I’ve been taking applications for the summer for a scholarship program that my sorority has. The deadline for the scholarship is next Friday so I hope everyone sends in their information soon. I only received a transcript so far. Smh! I got into a really bad argument w/ one of my guy friends a few weeks ago. We did talk face to face. So I’m glad that were able to talk & I’m at peace. Before him & I talked to face to face, the situation weighed heavily on my heart & mind. I dislike arguing w/ people. I had to make a decision to stop allowing that situation to negatively affect my emotions. I attended an inservice at WHMC earlier this month that was very informative. The inservice was about different religions in our society & how to deal w/ clients that are non-Christians. I joined a webinar for the writers of Empowermoments last month. That was very helpful!

I did a few radical things over the summer: I tried to transfer to a new building to work in on campus but I was denied my transfer, I tried an orange chicken stirfry recipe, I donated a few items to two thrift stores, & tried out the Badoo app for a month. I think that’s all the radical things I did. Lol! God bless!


P.S. My roommate that lived on my side of the apartment moved out today. I’m going to miss her & her cat Munchkin. One of my roommates that lived on the other side of the apartment moved out earlier this month. So I have one roommate left at the moment

Charter decided to go digital this month so I was without cable for a couple of days. I wasn’t a happy camper! Lol!  I had to go to the Charter office & get me a cable box.


Balancing Act-Renee’

Well I’m baaack! I haven’t blogged in a few weeks and I think for the most part many of the last few blogs have not been that radical. I’ve really just been maintaining. It’s been because I’ve been so distracted by other things like: preparing for the baby, seeking my true purpose and raising my beautiful babies (excuse me big boys) and being a wife.
Now I’m trying to refocus on what my purpose is and how to walk in that.
Since I was old enough to dream I wanted to make a difference in the world. In fifth grade, I learned about one of the first woman investigative journalist, Nellie Bly, and how she blew the lid off of the mental institutions and how they were treating patients. How cool is that? When I learned about therapy in junior high I knew one day I would be a therapist (at my own center) helping people to heal their lives. Then when I got to college I heard of the non profit sector and never looked back. In many settings I’m an encouraging force and I love it. I love helping other people.
I realize that recently my spark has been dulled because I lost my trust in God (which I’ve talked about pretty extensively since losing Baby Smith). My heart of service is strictly a God thing and when I disconnect…it hinders me from fully walking in my purpose. BUT I have been gingerly seeking God again…I miss that feeling of comfort, even if I didn’t know how things would work out. I knew that they would.
I’ve been attempting to believe God for some pretty big things..the problem is..idk what I really want any more. I would love to have my own business. But I feel that this season is for pouring into my family. I would actually enjoy some extended time at home focused on my family (which I never thought I would ever say). Not saying I want to be fired from my current position at all lol I just would enjoy a bit more time to just focus on the family. With a new baby coming and the boys now one year away from kindergarten I realize how quickly life passes. I just want to be present for all of it. I’ve always struggled with balancing my goal is to truly give my desires to God and let Him balance it for me.




Momma pregnant with a rainbow baby

So, the last few weeks haven’t been too radical. I’m at a bit of a crossroads. I’ve officially entered my second trimester (14 weeks today!!) And things are finally settling sinking in that there’s a little person on the way. I struggled a lot with fear of losing Jellybean. I’m feeling a little bit better.
But the thoughts are also turning to what are future will look like. With a new baby that means budget adjustments of time and money. The thought of getting my Masters has also popped back up. How in the world would that be possible with three small children? Idk just a lot of thoughts rolling around. All good choices though. I’m just glad to be back in a good headspace. I’m hoping to have a solid plan before JB gets here, but man it almost feels like planning for the second biological (third child in total) is harder than with thr first.
But I know God will work it out, just trusting!