Archive for April, 2013

1st Year of Singleness ~Venus

Hello everyone! On Sunday, April 28th it made a yr that I’ve been single. Last year I broke up with the boyfriend I had. We were together for a yr and almost 3 months. I just thought it was best for me to walk away. I wasn’t getting what I needed in the relationship. Breaking up with him was a very hard decision. I honestly didn’t see a solution to our problems and it seemed as if things were getting worse. So I prayed about it, talked to my girls about it, and broke up with him. After we broke up, I was depressed and miserable for a while. It took a while for me to accept my singleness and get in a good place.

Let me be honest, I really didn’t think that I would make it being! I know that might sound really silly but stay with me for a moment. I thought being single was kind of a bad thing at first. It took while for it to sink in that I was no longer in a relationship. I thought that being in a relationship was hard but being single is hard too. lol!  The hardest thing for me right now is loneliness. Dealing w/ it has gotten better since I try to keep myself occupied but I do have my moments when I want to be around a man as in chill or go on  a date. I dealt w/ loneliness when I was in a relationship since it was a long distance one but I think my loneliness got worse when I became single. I have to pray that God help me to overcome my loneliness. I know not too long after I broke up with my ex-boyfriend that I found myself being vulnerable. I got caught up in a situation that I shouldn’t have allowed myself to be in. You know how sometimes you get into situations that you try to justify what is going on? As if it is ok when you know it is wrong? Well I was in that kind of situation. I had to repent and distance myself a little bit from that person.

Anywho I think that I’ve become a lot closer to God since I’ve been single. I found a few ministries that are directed towards women that are single such Wives in Waiting (it’s for single, engaged, and married women) and Single, Ready and Waiting (it’s also open to men). I also found another ministry called Sacred Soaring Singles (it’s also opened to men) through my mentor’s page. On Sunday, Sacred Soaring Singles had a teleconference call and it was awesome! I learned so much from being on the call. The speaker Apostolic Administrator Sandra Russell talked about having heavenly wisdom. At the end of the call, it was open to comments and questions. I had opened up and talked about me being celibate (mainly how difficult it was to deal with it and trying to date). I got a lot of good advice from the speaker and the host of the call Rhonda White.  Some of the advice they gave me was to pray, to read the bible, and to be creative (keep myself occupied). That’s just some of the advice they gave me. I love how transparent they were with me and I never personally met them! I also get on teleconference prayer calls when I can and I watch church services online from Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral out of Austell, GA.

I’ve seen a lot of growth within myself over the yr. I’m working on myself daily and doing my best to work on the areas that I’m weak in. My life coach helps me out a lot as well as my friends w/ my goals. I desire to be a wife one day but before I can be a wife to someone else, I have to learn how to be a wife to God.  I’m getting myself in order and focusing on what I need to do. Dating for me has been difficult. Let’s just say things haven’t been going well in that only went on two dates. Well the 1st one, I don’t consider as a date because the guy and I went to a watch night service at his church last yr. The other date I went on was at Veggies to Go in March. It was ok but it was a short one because he had to go pick up his son. Me and him still talk though. I was supposed to go on a date a few weeks ago but I got stood up. Smh! So I don’t know if and when I’m going on any more A part of me wants to give up because the dudes that have come to me are like “no’s”! lol! When I tell guys that I’m celibate they usually don’t understand it or don’t want to talk to me. God has been showing the character of those that have been talking to me. It’s like every time I turn around the guy seems  cool but then I start seeing him for who is. I be like God WHY? Lol! I have been praying for God to show me the character of every guy that comes in my life. I don’t have time for any guy and their foolishness! I hope that I will be in a relationship 1 day when the time is right. I want my next relationship to lead towards marriage. I just don’t have any time to be wasting on someone who is not my future husband. I’m just saying! God bless!


P.S. I cooked stir fry on Sunday. I made sweet and sour chicken stir fry w/ fried rice. That was my 1st time making it and it turned out really good! I’m so proud of myself! I’m trying to learn how to cook more things. I really dislike cooking (lol) but I get tired of eating the same things so the only way to learn is to look up recipes and just do it! Last Monday when I went to the clinic, the director gave me a candle and a praise/worship CD for being 1 of the top 10 volunteers at the clinic last yr. I was surprised! I was like AWESOME in my happy dance! lol!

I got a new phone last week. I have the iphone4. I got it for free for my upgrade but I had to pay $30 since I got my phone after my upgrade date. My upgrade was in February. I was debating whether or not to get a new phone being that I’m going to be out of work for a little bit. Also I didn’t want to pay extra money on my cell bill but I hardly buy myself anything or do anything nice for myself. So I was like I’m just going to pay the extra money for the data plan and get a new phone. It took me a while to figure out my new phone because I never had a smartphone before. The phone I had before my new one was the Samsung Intensity II. I hated that my phone’s memory would get full all the time with texts. So that’s why I got a new phone. I been waiting for a new phone for a minute so I finally got one.  It seems like I have bad luck w/ dropping phones. Smh! I dropped my new phone like 4 or 5 times already. Smh! It has 3 scratches on it. I didn’t think that I was going to drop it at all. I ordered a case for it so it should I get it before the week is out. I’m thinking now that I should had ordered my case  the same day when I ordered my phone.

OAS: I got picked for the summer camp for my job so yay I got a job for the summer! OAS: I finally was successful at detangling my hair on Sunday! WOO HOO! I usually detangle my hair in 4 sections but this time I detangled it in 8. I think the smaller sections helped out a lot! Now I’m able to actually pull the comb through my hair! lol!


The Hand of God~Audrey

My hands fly off the steering wheel
Can’t recall getting here

“A Conversation with God”

Darren Hayes

It was a Sunday and my friend and I were traveling to Leeds for a continuing education seminar. She decided to take the back roads because it would be quicker. The rain began to fall but we made it through the rain safely. Then we travelled through a small town with a stop light.

The light turns red.

She brakes.

The truck didn’t stop.

She tried to change lanes so she wouldn’t hit the car in front of us.

The car hydroplaned and spun across all four lanes of traffic.

I felt the truck tip towards my side.

I prayed.

Dead Lord, please do not let this truck tip over.

Suddenly the hand of God cupped the truck, and we skidded to a stop upright.

The traffic had stopped on both sides; God had stopped them with his other hand. We were both alive and well and no one was hurt.  God touched me and reaffirmed me to touch others’ lives through his word.


Peace Cranes, Lillies and Preschoolers (oh my!)- Renee`

Hey hey hey world!

I cannot believe that it will be May in just a few short days! This year is flying by. Anyway I wanna talk about some of the radical things I’ve done over the past few weeks.

1) I bought a living, photosynthesis-needing plant! Her name is Lilly (yes I named my plant) and she is alive and well..after two weeks. This my friends is a record! The last alive plant I had I was in third grade and we were growing bean never made it home :/ But Lilly is the only girly thing in my home since I am surrounded by men.

2) I have been cooking up a storm. In fact, in my down time I have been researching recipes. The last few things I have made were Italian stuffed chicken, turkey burgers, crispy cheddar chicken and steak. The reason for so much “yard bird” my husband and I are trying to cut down on our red meat intake.

3) I was also challenged by my Rad7even sister Pam, to work on Daniel’s sight words. I was supposed to use some of their favorite characters and put sight words with it..I don’t have a printer at home so that’s been on hold BUT I have taken the challenge serious and have worked with the boys on learning to write their letters. I am proud to say my Landyn has his O and capital A down! and Daniel…is an amazing artist LOL he doodles all over that to get him to focus.

4) I have been going to the gym. This is earth shattering. I hate the gym. I hate the gym..did I tell you I hate the gym? When I was a regular at working out I always did it at home or ran..I like feeling free. Plus I feel awkward on the machines. Ironically, I married a personal trainer, who loves the gym (shrugs). So he’s been encouraging me to be more active. I must say for anyone t get me in the gym more than once a year..he must be the absolute BEST personal trainer ever. And actually he is, he’s incredibly patient and encouraging and doesn’t look at me crazy for running one lap and almost passing out to my death! *cheers to a summer ready body*

Ok now onto what I am learning spiritually. I went to a luncheon where a woman(Melissa) who writes only about the good and positive things happening in the city was a speaker. She spoke about peace cranes and how she had forgiven the terrorists who killed her son during 9/11. This woman who lost a child by such violent means was using peace to overcome her grief. She teaches 4th and 5th graders about peace and makes it her mission to spread hope instead of despair. The level of this woman’s hope and patience was incredible. She also told the story of Sadako Sasaki a young Japanese girl that was two years old when the Atomic bomb was dropped on Japan. As a result of the blast she developed leukemia. It is believed that if one folds 1,000 cranes one can get a wish granted by the gods. She fell short of folding her 1000th crane and many say her classmates helped to fold up the additional cranes as a sign of solidarity. The crane became a symbol of peace.  Melissa is now trying to get 10,000 cranes folded that will hopefully be displayed on September 15 2013 (the date of the Birmingham Church bombing) as sign of peace. I am often amazed and inspired by people who choose to not be overtaken by evil and continue to trust God and fight for what’s right. I’ve meet people from both ends of the spectrum and I wonder what makes the difference. Why and how are some motivated by trials and some hardened?

I realize that I have allowed some circumstances and people to harden my heart at times. I feel that whatever was done to me was completely undeserved (which may or may not be true), but the truth is the more we focus on the act..on the person who committed the act we lose focus on the bigger picture. God is a forgiving, loving God who promised that He would leave His peace for us. We just have to accept it. What makes the difference between someone who overcomes and someone who succumbs, their acceptance of God’s Sovereignty in their lives.

Peace Be With You,


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Not To Worry ***Danielle***

I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was going to live a worry-free life. When I made this decision, it’s only natural to think that God will see if I was all talk or would I be putting faith to work.

If you ask for peace, He will give you a situation of chaos.

If you are asking for a financial blessing, you may receive a call from Sallie Mae.

Friday was a test, I believe. My car has been having problems. So, Friday morning I took my car to Firestone, praying that their will be a simple and cheap solution, getting Betty (my car) back on the road. They called me back and told me it was a crack  in my radiator and I would need to get it replaced. The guy very nicely gave me an.estimated cost including labor,$350. I told them thanks but no thanks. I paid for the diagnostic test, which the Customer Service Rep gave me a 50% discount (BLESSING!) and didn’t charge me for the pressure test (BLESSING!).

My usual plan of action would have been to worry myself to a stomach ache and be near tears. Instead, I said, “Lord, You Got This!” and headed to my doctor’s appointment. While waiting on to be called, I decided to check RetailMeNot (a great FREE app and website) and I looked up Advance Auto Parts and I found a great coupon $40 off any purchase of $100 or more. My radiator-$97.99. So, I ordered the radiator and antifreeze for $68 and it was shipped to the store for FREE (BLESSING!).

I then went to check my account and my direct deposit was looking a little low, so I went and checked my online check stub and they only paid me for one week (sideeye). I called HR and she told me that the time clock had been down and all my time had not been given to them. She then informed me that I wouldn’t get  paid until the next pay period. Instead of getting mad or freaking out, I just made some calls and moved some payments around. I got a call today and they decided to do a manual check instead of having me wait (BLESSING!).

I called a guy, who had fixed my mom’s radiator previously and he agreed to fix mine for $30!!! Blessing!

Firestone $350—– My Person $30
Ain’t God Good?!?!?!?!!!?

Just remember, there is a test in your testimony.

Still Pushing and Praising,

Dani G.

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A Bad Week and a Better Week ~Venus

Hello everyone! Last week, I had a bad week.

Last Week

It started out fine in the beginning. Sunday,I learned more about my purpose which was AWESOME! It began with a  church service I watched online. I watch the church services of Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral out of Georgia. Bishop Dale Bronner had prophesied towards the middle of his sermon and I boo hoo cried. lol.  Here are a few things that he said: “There are some things that we’ve been waiting on that you’ve been laboring for a long time. There will be a quick release. It will be a season of suddenlys. All you need is one phone call.Job said he waited for the things of an appointed time. God can put you on the map overnight for what you did overtime. Don’t be concerned with the speed but the direction. Divine acceleration!”. I was trying my best to write everything was saying but it was talking so fast and I was all caught up in God’s

A few yrs ago (2011) God revealed to me that my purpose involved working w/ women and girls. Every since then, I been trying to figure out the rest of the puzzle. Last Sunday, I  had a session with my life coach and she really helped me put things in perspective. I told her about my spiritual gifts and we  went over a few pages out of a workbook called You’re Already Amazing by Holley Gerth. If you go on her website, you can download it for free! Anywho my life coach helped me to realize that I have been working in my spiritual gifts over the past few yrs. My spiritual gifts are exhortation, mercy, serving/helping/ministering, and pastor, teaching, and wisdom. Later on that night, I got on a prayer call and asked the host (she got on the call much later) to pray regarding my purpose. Before she prayed for me, she told me that God said that I already know what my purpose is and I don’t need confirmation. She told me all he was waiting to do was to walk in it. So of course, I cried was like ok God I get what you’re

In the middle of the week my laptop crashed. So I was super angry about that. I got into arguments with 2 people. I became so angry to the point I wanted to really punch people in the face and curse people out..I didn’t do that of course but I was really stressed out as well.  On top of that, I was putting together a powerpoint for a bible study (which was good) but I had to utilize that computer lab so I could work on it. One of my sorority sisters helped with the lesson and that made things easier for me. I began working later last week so that was draining me and making me tired.t a

Last Saturday I was mad because I got stood up for a date (dude didn’t contact me at all). We planned this date the week before. I didn’t hear from dude at all this week until I called him on last Friday. I contacted him twice and asked him to contact me. I was surprised that he picked up the phone when I called him. He told me that he had eaten some bad sushi and got sick (which is the reason supposedly he didn’t contact me). He told me that he was in the bed most of the week. I had a bad feeling the whole week about dude which I never had before since I’ve been talking to him. I should had went with my 1st mind and went to Montgomery for my fraternity brothers probate w/ my sorority sister that live in the same city as me. I texted him this week (4/14) and told him that I didn’t appreciate him standing me up and also to never ask me out on a date again.

I did something radical last week, I made pasta salad for the 1st time. I used linguine noodles, cherry tomatoes, a cucumber, Raspberry Poppy Seed dressing, and Southwest Chicken by Tyson. It turned out pretty good! =)

This Week

This week has been a LOT better. I have been stressed but it wasn’t anything like last week. I had a girl talk w/ my sorority sister that lives in the same city as me. She visited me at my apt and brought me a plate of dinner she cooked for her family. =) This week wasn’t that interesting. I led my 1st bible study today via a teleconference call which was radical! I was freaking out and stressing about it…lol..I felt relieved after the call was over. I was glad that God was with me because it turned out better than  I thought it was going to be. I’m still working late at work smh..Only 2 more weeks and it will be over. My roommate’s fiance fixed my laptop but it lost most of the programs that was on it. =( I have to pay him some money for fixing my laptop. My best friend will be staying (living) with me for a little while just until she gets her living situation together..She found out that she was pregnant on Friday so I’m going to be a god mother! =) YAY!! My best friend had a bad day today. It seemed like everything we wrong. =( I had entered a special giveaway for Wives in Waiting. The ministry was giving a way three books that my mentor wrote. I won a book! I was surprised because  I didn’t think that I was going to win anything. God Bless!


P.S. My friends and I are challenging each other on 1 of our Radical7even goals. My friend Kelly challenged me on my goal that involve me figuring out my purpose. She told me to ask 3 people to pray about my purpose daily. I asked my mentor, life coach, and a friend of mine to pray about it.


Keys to Success-Renee`

Where oh where to begin. I guess I will begin with my wonderful Easter weekend. I went to Landmark Church of Christ (which has been the church I have been visiting for well over a year now) and the preacher Buddy Bell preached on  “Set Free”; because of Jesus death (and my acceptance of Him as my Savior) I am set free from sin,death and anxiety . At the end of the sermon each person was asked to pick one (or a few) keys with a message on it and give it to people to encouraged them; little did I know I would need that encouragement three weeks later.


(in case you can’t read it: If the Son has set you free you are free indeed John 8:36)

I have settled in a little bit better to the city life; my caseload has picked up, I am learning alternate routes and I am getting busier in general. But there has been one goal that has been on my heart since I was at least 20 years old and that has been to be a homeowner; this dream became a fixation after becoming a mother because I wanted to give my son space to run around and grow.

Being military my family has rented all of my life. Everywhere we went was never meant to be permanent so I have longed for a place to call my own. Now that I am married..I def want the picket fence. Anywho, I started paying on my loans this year ( I did AmeriCorps VISTA for two and a half years-which had my loans deferred, and I went to grad school for a year) and I was not happy paying on the thousands of dollars I owe but I was ready to get started. One day I just so happened to look at the previous payment schedule; out of the dollars I am sending each month literally $8-$10 was being put towards PRINCIPAL…at this rate I would be paying on these student loans until…Jesus returns. This caused a great deal of sadness for me. I am a stickler about paying bills on time and off..and to know that this will take me a bagillion and one years to pay off (esp. when I want to be a homeowner) set me back a bit.

But that’s when I was reminded that I am set free. I am set free from random time constraints that I impose on myself. I am set free from anxiety about bills or loans. I am set free to dream..and dream BIG. If I focus on all that is going on..I will always have something to be sad about, BUT if I use my eyes of FAITH and focus on the promises my God made to me…what a difference that will make.

If I focus on faith, I can enjoy living in my apartment now and not feel bad about not being in my home yet.

If I focus on faith, I can enjoy the fact that I have a job that allows me to cover all the essentials and some fun things ( and that better is coming)

If I focus on faith, I can see how God has brought me through so many other things that I didn’t see a way out of.

That’s the key to success, refocusing.

I hope that you will take some time out today and look at your situation through the eyes of faith.

Faithfully watching & waiting,



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Working Hard, Not Looking for Breaks ~Audrey

It’s been six months since I started Year Two. I started off strong and then started to fade away. I am getting back on track and using this post as inspiration to return to my beginning-of-the-year Radical self.

Goals & Progress

502001781848a6476efee53c489aa165Bible Study & Devotions

I ready a daily e-mail devotion but my additional reading has waned. I was really enjoying learning more about the Bible and Christianity but my schedule became so hectic, I dropped my outside reading. Luckily, the devotions that come to my e-mail are giving me a chance to fit them in on my 15 minute work breaks. I did complete the first part of my goal: reading the Bible. In one year, I read the entire Bible. But I have more questions than answers and need to continue my reading of the Bible and other spiritually topics.


I completed my goal that I was unable to complete my first year but the patience was well rewarded. I am currently in a romantic relationship with a Christian man whose views mimic my own in a lot of ways but vary enough to challenge me and make me think critically. He is one of the sweetest men I have ever met and he treats me as his equal. I must continue to pray for God to lead down the right path in this relationship and for our growth as a



tvforfreaks662I changed this one early on. Last year I started my blog, one of first year’s goal. Since then I have been asked to write for another website and contribute to an online zone. The blog has become my focus. So I strive to update my own twice a week and as well as my TV for Freaks and Radical 7evens posts. My laptop was broken and this slowed Stars in Her Eye to once a week. But with it fixed, I am back onto twice a week.


I have worked hard on my multipronged health plan. I have the two glasses of water down. I am still working on wearing my socks overnight. I get so hot that I end up not putting them on or pulling them off in my sleep. I am working on my emotional health by working on forgiveness. Look for more blogs on the subject in the future.  And now for the exercise…


I did so well at the beginning. I had an abs and legs routine that I followed and took a day to rest. Unfortunately things happened at work that cause me not to be able to ride as much as I wanted. Things are slowing down and I am reprioritizing this. Also, as work has mounted, my exercise routine began to falter. I did them maybe once a week. Now I am getting back on schedule, slowly, as I begin to have extra emotional and physical effort.

Friendswedding day 1hips

I have been good about texting my friends and writing letters. I even made a mixed CDs for my HIS girls for Valentine’s Day. But I haven’t made any road trips since last year. But, like before, things will pick up now that work is slowing down.


I have successfully completed the first part of this goal. I have a saving account and put a little in every pay week. What I haven’t done is develop a budget to stick do. I have a helpful article to sit down, read and plan for my budget. I’m only half way there. I have plenty of time.



“You were the fuel I used when inspiration hit a dead end.”

California 37, Train



Sometimes you need to be reminded.

1. My brother may be in a rehabilitation center learning how to rewalk, HOWEVER he us blessed to be breathing on his own and talking.

2. My car may not be working right now HOWEVER I am blessed to have a loving mom who let me use her car.

3. My car may not be working right now HOWEVER I am sending good vibes and praying that a problem will be fixed and Betty (my car) has some fight left in her.

4. I may be uncertain where my career future lies HOWEVER I am greatful for his mercies and new beginnings.

5. I may be scared HOWEVER I am learning how to try anyways.

6. I may fall HOWEVER I’m learning to smile on the way back up.

7. I will fall HOWEVER it’s great to know you have a support system who’s willing to give you a hand and a couple of giggles.

8. I am imperfect HOWEVER I serve A God who is perfect.

9. I am not there yet HOWEVER I’m still pushing.

Dani G.


Baby steps :) *Kels



Hello loves! I am writing to my girlfriends primarily, because without your incessant reminders I would not be blogging. Thanks, really. 🙂


First and foremost, ELIAS WALKED TODAY!!! I laughed and hugged my little man and then cried out of joy for my luck of actually seeing his first steps. It felt almost like seeing him for the first time. I felt close to God in an awestruck way. I know that was one of the few moments of my life that I will always remember and cherish–a defining moment. Enough with the emotions… let me tell you the details.


My Dad, a.k.a. Papa, and Elias were in the living room watching television. Elias was successfully stealing bites of my Mom’s yummy, spicy chili. When he saw me walk back into the room he let go of the couch and took one step towards me! His first step was walking towards Mama, who was NOT at work. Yay! Anyway, my Dad generously handed me one of the tantalizing chili beans Eli loves so much, and Elias took 3 steps towards me to retrieve it! I live for this. When Nathan got home Eli took a step for him and stood in a really cute crouching position holding his soft toy sword before refusing to entertain us with his physical prowess any further.


As for me, today was special for my feet as well. More specifically, my ankle. You see I have been working out like a mad woman on a daily basis. I want to be in peak physical shape prior to my upcoming pregnancy (which with be in June if all goes as planned!). I’m lifting weights, doing at least an hour of cardio most days, and a healthy smattering of yoga and floor exercises. So far my posterior tibial tendinitis hasn’t given me any significant trouble. Today I took a leap of faith and ran a little over a mile around my neighborhood. A year ago this would have been impossible. It seems my ankle is stronger now that I’ve given it time to heal and eased back into running with elliptical machines. This may sound boring to many of you, but if you know me well you know how devastated I was when I was told I wouldn’t be able to run again. To me this is literally an answered prayer. I am still going to take it slowly and run maybe once a week to make sure I don’t overdue it. Wish me luck and blessings!


I decided to do a little goal review while I’m at it. The goals my girls and I all made in October have not been on the top of my priority list. I admit this reluctantly, but the point of blogging with my HIS girls is to be honest. Overall I’ve still managed to make pretty good progress.

1 & 2: I’ll combine these goals, as they actually mesh well together. I wanted to have more sincere, closer relationships with others, and also to disengage in fruitless efforts that are unappreciated. I think I’m doing a pretty decent job. Of course I would LOVE more time with my friends, but I have made a few good friends at work and make an effort to get out of my bubble and interact with everyone to maintain good rapport with my co-workers. This is easy because I have the best co-workers ever. I genuinely like going to work on Mondays to catch up with everyone. How lame is that haha?

In terms of clients, this goal is a huge relief in terms of emotional energy expenditure. I used to feel drained trying to keep all the individuals on my case load happy. Now I focus all my extra energy on people who appreciate me and actually benefit from my efforts. Namely, it’s all about the kids and a handful of parents. If people just want to complain, I listen enough to address their problems and keep it moving. If people want to improve their lives and need help, I’m there for whatever they need within the bounds of my job. It’s a rewarding approach.

3: We still haven’t found a home church. Nothing compares to Immanuel. I miss my Immanuel family and that feeling of belonging.

4: I have no time to garden for food. Wait, my kumquat tree has one little overachieving fruit halfway ripened. That counts because it’s so cute lol.

5: I found a good work/family balance, to the extent that is possible as a social worker. I do the best I can in the 40 hours I have, and then I go home. Period. When I look back on my life, I want to remember the little moments I shared with my family. I won’t care at that point if my desk was perfectly organized or if I got any overtime pay. I keep my kids safe at work, and then I come home to my Elias and all the other members of my beautiful family.

6: I’m making good progress on my pursuing my counseling interests. I’m still not sure if my full dream of a Ph.D. is even feasible at this point. Sometimes you can’t really have it all. I want to have a close relationship with Eli. I am contemplating another masters degree, this time in counseling. I haven’t decided yet, but in the meantime I’m studying for the GRE with every spare moment. I study vocabulary on the elliptical machine at the gym, in the car waiting for clients, and in some meetings that don’t require my undivided attention. I study math and do practice tests on the weekends and sometimes in the middle of the night if I’ve woken up with Elias too many times to get back to sleep. I’m proud of my work ethic. I am excited to take the GRE and see what I’m capable of this time around.

7: I’m still lacking in the area of being mindful about what I consume. I eat very healthily, but every day there is something just a little too yummy to say no. Lately it’s been dark chocolate. I’ve read it’s good for you here and there, but I am just a dark chocolate fiend. I need a 12 step program with meetings lol.


Well if you read all of this, thank you for hanging in there. Much love and positive energy to everyone!

Best wishes,
